
Breaks for eyes windows
Breaks for eyes windows

breaks for eyes windows

Time Out provides a lot of usage information too–it shows how long you spend in each app, when you took breaks, and shows when scheduled breaks are due. It comes with two kinds of breaks by default: A 10-minute one that will pop up once an hour, and a 15-second one that alerts you every 15 minutes and reminds you not to tense up or sit in a poor position. Time Out allows you to customize how often breaks happen, how long they are, and more. Time Out is a macOS exclusive, and it’s one of the more popular apps for break management out there.

breaks for eyes windows

With major tech companies like Apple and Google now all in on using their devices to help create healthier lifestyles it’s time to revisit apps that help us improve our computer use habits. When this article was initially published in 2015 it listed five desktop apps for Windows, Linux, and macOS that reminded users to take breaks, stretch, and stay healthy.


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Breaks for eyes windows